Cnet Feature Article 3/29/2001 Encouraging Copyright Infringement using P2P File Sharing, Casting Rights Holders as "Super Villians", Blatantly supporting Piracy of Music Files, Inducing Copyright Infringement among users.
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Cnet ask's the Question: "Can downloaders hungry for free music find MP3's outside of the famous feline file-sharing application?
Cnet is inducing and contributing Copyright Infringement by offering "Five Alternatives that will let you download and share music to your Heart's Content"
Cnet is Representing it's Website, Services and Available Downloads as the Good force by distributing Free Music Piracy Software to fight against the "SuperVillians" being the Legal Copyright Holders and their respective legal teams.
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Free Peers Incorporated, the company that distributed the BearShare Gnutella application and variations, reached a settlement with the music industry on May 4, 2006. , FreePeers, Inc. paid $30 million dollars to the plaintiffs of this settled case (Capitol Records, Sony-BMG, UMG Recordings, and Warner Music.)According to court records
On May 3rd, the plaintiffs had filed the complaint against Free Peers, Inc., Vincent Falco (CEO and developer) and Louis Tatta (the co-developer) The plaintiffs contended that "...massive copyright infringement is the very purpose of the BearShare System and software...Defendants know it; they encourage and contribute to it; and they readily could prevent it - but choose not to."
Click Image to Enlarge Bearshare Comments regarding use as Napster Replacement
Actual Screen Capture of from March 27,2002, NOTICE the Embedded Cnet Download Button. Guess Who held the software on their severs and ACTUALLY distributed Bearshare.
Actual Homepage. Screen Cap from Jan. 25, 2002 ( Click on ANY Image to Enlarge). NOTICE the Download Button! Guess where the Actual Software was uploaded and Distributed from?
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Description of Limewire as Best Choice number three
Actual screen cap from June 2 2001. Notice the Embedded Cnet Download Button to get the software! Can you guess who distributed the Limewire Software? Can you BELIEVE, that if you click the free download button on Limewire you go to the Cnet Download Page!
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Freenet P2P software Download. NOTICE that it states, "It has the Potential to become the RIAA's worst Nightmare."
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Wikipedia Source for date timeline, This Article was Posted March 29, 2001 as Napster was attempting to filter it's results. A great deal of material was still available as evidenced by this Screen Cap of Napster.
After a failed appeal to the Ninth Circuit Court, an injunction was issued on March 5, 2001 ordering Napster to prevent the trading of copyrighted music on its network.[15] In July 2001, Napster shut down its entire network in order to comply with the injunction.