Click on Image to Enlarge. This Screen Cap from Cnet 2/7/2000
Click on Image to Enlarge. This Screen Cap from Cnet 2/9/2000
In this Screen Capture at the top of the page, the columnist comments on common Terms of Service Statements found on File Sharing Software;
"Don't use our Product to share any copyrighted Material" What the &%$# else are people using these file sharing programs for? Share stuff they "do" hold a copyright to? As if any of these file sharing defendants ever created a shred of Intellectual Property!
The Columnist goes on to state outright "Top 9 Ways for Music Lovers to Break the Law" Notably including "Napster" "Aimster" and "Scour".
Actually, "Binary Boy" is still offered today on Zdnet as evidenced by this Screen Capture.;inner
CLICK to image to Enlarge
Click on Image to Enlarge. This Screen Cap from Cnet 2/9/2000
Notice the END of the above article. The Cnet Downloads writer states about Napster, " Your Best Bet for Breaking Copyright Laws Big Time".
Click on Image to Enlarge. This Screen Cap from Cnet 2/9/2000
Interesting Screen cap of a ZDnet Editor Posing a question to a guest from "Yahoo". The Interviewer from ZDnet states that Napster is a Music Piracy Gangster Application.Yet ZDnet and Cnet continue to distribute it.
Click on Image to Enlarge. This Screen Cap from ZDnet 2/23/2000
GLOWING ZDnet editor's review of the Scour P2P file Sharing Service
The Following 2 Screen Caps from July 27, 2000
Notice at the very bottom of the preceeding FAIR USE Image, there is a LINK to "A Word About the Copyright Issues" advice! Feast your Eyes below!
Legal Advice about Scour From a ZDnet Editor
Then after the "Legal Advice" look at the NEXT LINK! "NOW Go get those MP3's"
NOW Look at the Screen Cap from 8/15/2000 below of the TOP Downloads of the week on Cnet WITH the LOL News Report links Directly next to them. Click on ANY image to Enlarge!
Actual Screen cap of Scour HomePage from 8 15 2000, NOTICE the Cnet Downloads embedded button! Scour downloaded from Cnet AT LEAST 4 Million Times!!
Vintage Screen Cap FAIR USE Image as Proof of those over 4 million downloads of Scour from Cnet Downloads. 10/20/2001
Was Cnet aware of Scour having Problems? Check out the Link to the "Help Center" for scour and What's directly underneath! ( is/was a Cnet site too).